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Arctic Passage
In one of the most extreme and challenging environments on the planet, this exhibition examines the relationships between military personnel and Indigenous communities as a result of mounting geo-political tensions and climate change.- Fine Art Humanities Native and Indigenous Art/Culture Photography Popular Culture Science & Ecology Social Justice
- MediumPremium
- 7 Weeks
Long-Term Mindset: Artists Exploring Deep Time
Long-Term Mindset centers visual discourse on science and environment, in which three artists each explore the anthropological entanglements that exist within—and between—geophysical life worlds, stimulating ideas about human agency and responsibility, and relational concepts tied to non-human existences and experiences.- Family Friendly Fine Art Intergenerational Multimedia Photography Science & Ecology
- MediumPremium
- 7 Weeks
Murmurations: For the Love of Birds
With an introduction that briefly tells the story of birding, the urgent need to save birds, and the importance of conservation for our society as a whole, this exhibition includes the work of three contemporary visual artists who explore the topic through various media.- Ceramics Family Friendly Multimedia Photography Science & Ecology Sculpture Textile Arts/Fiber Arts
- MediumPremium
- 7 Weeks
The State of Water: Our Most Valuable Resource
Only 0.007 percent of the planet’s water is available to fuel and feed its eight billion people. Brad Temkin’s photography puts visitors face-to-face with the systems and techniques that deliver our most valuable natural resource. In doing so, the exhibition encourages us to see water conservation as a process we can all get involved in.- Bilingual/Spanish Fine Art Photography Science & Ecology
- LowMedium
- 7 Weeks
Walking in Antarctica
Inspired and informed by her experiences, Walking in Antarctica is an immersive, interdisciplinary exhibition bringing together photography, sculpture, and audio narrative to take the viewer on a journey through an extraordinary environment of remote places that the tourist ships do not reach and few people get to witness in person.- Fine Art Multimedia Photography Science & Ecology Sculpture
- Medium
- 7 Weeks
Nature’s Blueprints: Biomimicry in Art and Design
The traveling exhibition Nature’s Blueprints: Biomimicry in Art and Design brings together art and design with environmental science using both scientific and artistic objects, as well as interactive learning stations. The exhibition is an adaptation of the High Desert Museum’s Innovation Lab: Design Inspired by Nature.- Design Family Friendly Multimedia Science & Ecology
- Premium
- 7 Weeks
Aliento a Tequila
From ExhibitsUSA, Aliento a Tequila (or The Spirit of Tequila) exhibition explores and celebrates the landscape, culture, and traditions that gave birth to tequila, Mexico’s mestizo national drink. This series of photographs by Joel Salcido includes the original distilleries that literally founded the industry, as well as several artisanal tequileras committed to the ancestral ways of tequila-making, from harvest to bottle.- History Humanities Photography Science & Ecology
- Medium
- 7 Weeks
Two Minutes to Midnight and the Architecture of Armageddon
Through two photographic essays, photographers Jeanine Michna-Bales and Adam Reynolds offer a calculated look at the “Architecture of Armageddon,” both the offensive and defensive implications of nuclear war. These quiet architectural spaces, devoid of people, allow viewers to come face to face with present nuclear realities while also offering a look into the collective psyche of the American people during the Cold War.- History Humanities Photography Science & Ecology
- Medium
- 7 Weeks
Small Wonders: Insects in Focus
In the air, water, and even under foot, insects inhabit every domain of our daily lives, performing essential functions that balance our fragile ecosystem on earth. By using cutting-edge technology and custom methods, artist Bob Sober created Small Wonders: Insects in Focus, an exhibition of breathtaking beauty that allows viewers to see this hidden world like they’ve never seen it before. Small Wonders aims to inspire, in an artistic way, our natural curiosity to understand the form, function, and diversity of nature.- Digital Art Family Friendly Photography Science & Ecology
- Medium
- 7 Weeks
American Farmer
When photographer Paul Mobley set out to capture the soul of our country’s farm communities, he encountered an enduring rural culture that remains rooted in the principles of tradition, family, integrity, and hard work. Out of a collection of more than 200 of these portraits, ExhibitsUSA has distilled a selection of forty-five iconic portraits showing the geographic and cultural diversity of the American Farmer.- Humanities Photography Science & Ecology
- Low
- 7 Weeks