Book an Exhibition
Booking an exhibition is as easy as following the steps below.
To ensure a successful hosting experience, ExhibitsUSA provides exhibition support including, clear and concise installation and shipping instructions; comprehensive programming guides; press kits with digital imagery, sample press releases, and public service announcements; comprehensive insurance coverage; and individual assistance in identifying and developing ancillary educational activities with every exhibition.
- More about Facility Reports
- Learn More About Security Requirements
- Rental Fee Ranges
- Watch our Step-By-Step Exhibition Video Guide
Step 1: Find an Exhibition
Click here to view our extensive offerings of arts and humanities exhibitions or contact us for a suggested show. EUSA shows come in many sizes and security levels, depending on your organization’s needs and capabilities.
Step 2: Contact EUSA
To obtain tour schedules, fact sheets, checklists or additional images for all exhibitions, contact Amanda Wiltse at 800-473-3872, ext. 208/209 or MoreArt (at)
Step 3: Hold Your Date
Our Exhibition Tours Manager will place a complimentary 30-day hold on any available EUSA tour date.
Step 4: Submit a Facility Report
EUSA staff will send you a link to access the facility report to fill out for the exhibition of your choice. Facility Reports are based on the security requirements for the exhibition. Facility Reports will be reviewed by EUSA staff at MoreArt (at)
Step 5: Contract
Once your Facility Report has been approved by EUSA, a contract will be issued for the agreed upon exhibition dates. The responsible party/parties must sign and return an original contract. An Exhibition Tool Kit, containing a Registrar’s packet, Programming guide, Press Release, and any printed promotional materials will be e-mailed to the venue four-six months prior to the exhibition’s opening date but may be requested in advance.
Step 6: Final Evaluation
After you’ve hosted an exhibition, a final evaluation will be due. Evaluations help us determine the success of each exhibition, and how to make touring easier for everyone.
Questions? Contact us at 800-473-3872, ext. 208/209 or MoreArt (at)